
Welcome to my website i made for a school project. I thought of making this when I heard a page called . Thanks Neo. It was made using HTML and CSS

How This Was Made

This page was made as a explaination of how to make a website with HTML and Page Source. HTML is a type of way to code (code is when you turn words into ines to make a web page). It starts off with something known as paragraphs. paragraphs are made from: a smaller than symbol, a slash, the letter p and a greather than symbol


Anyways, it was nice, and I learnt alot about HTML, Paragraphs, Headings and Titles. I also learnt about CSS: the thing that makes up the look of the website, the font of the website, the coloring and all the way of how it all looks. If I were to do this again, I would be carefuk, look for bugs, tiny mistakes and even tiny mispellings, as all those things can result in a bad, terrible lookin or even dangerous website. In my opinion the hardest part was the icon of the website. I never managed t figure that out.

Q and A

This section is to answer basic questions

-How is this project-based learning different to normal class or subject learning?

Personnaly, it was a very intresting thing for me to do and try, and was hard for me to do it all by myself.

-What did you set out to achieve in your project?

The goal that I wanted to achieve was to make a website that could just function at the very most.

-Did you succeed?

Yes I did, thats how you are reading this

-What challenges did you face and how did you overcome them?

I thought that the hardest part was trying to make an icon for the website. I never managed to resolve the problem

-What did you learn?

I learnt how to write code, read code, see sript, look at page source and us HTML

-How did you learn on the project?

I used videos, knowledge I had on LUA coding, a tutorial and trial and error.

-Why is what you learned important or of value?

It's because I was going to use this on a future website about science.

-What would you do differently if you did this project again?

I would probably use more knowledge, put more research in and check for failures